Starting with the iPhone XS 64GB variant, the Flipkart Apple Days sale will list the model at a discounted price tag of Rs. 54,999. The current listed price is Rs. 59,999, which means a price cut of Rs. 5,000 will be offered during the Flipkart sale. The e-commerce site will offer further exchange discount on the iPhone XS as well.
Coming to the iPhone 11 and iPhone 11 Pro, the two variants won\'t see a price cut, but no-cost EMI options will be listed with the EMIs starting from Rs. 10,817 during the Flipkart sale. Furthermore, HDFC debit and credit card holders will see a flat discount of Rs. 7,000 on purchase via EMI and non-EMI transactions.
Similarly, the iPhone XR will also not see a price cut, but Flipkart will offer a no-cost EMI option starting from Rs. 8,317 per month. HDFC Band debit and credit card holders will get a flat discount of Rs. 5,000. The iPhone 8 64GB will be listed at a discounted price of Rs. 34,999, and older phones like the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus will begin from Rs. 24,999, and Rs. 33,999, respectively. The iPhone 6S 32GB model will be listed for as low as Rs. 23,999 during the Flipkart sale.
The Apple Days deals are listed on the dedicated sale page on Flipkart.